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We welcome your prayers, because it is the most effective way to support our ministry. Prayer requests come from deep within our souls. Each time we ask someone to pray for our ministry, our friends, our circumstance we are opening up our hearts and risking exposure. We are trusting that confidences are kept and those we share with will pray as they have commited to do. However, if we are honest, most of us write down the requests on a scratch piece of paper and never think about them again until the next time we see those who gave us the requests. It should not be this way. 


'Prayers are sweet smelling incense to our Heavenly Father and we need to honor them as He honors them.'


                                         Thanks for You support!


Please pray for:

- We have urgent prayer request for our Church follower named Mariyamma (Mary) who has been suffering from dangerous Cancer, which is in 4th stage/level, All famoussed doctors in different cities tested her for few times with special care, later stopped treatment due to waste and 4th stage. Her condition is critical! So, now it is in God's hands. Please pray for a healing miracle so that Mary will be a living witness to God's glory. From today onwards we are going to conduct 5 week fasting prayer meetings in her house.

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