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There are many ways to donate to 'NEEDS MINISTRIES AND CHARITABLE ORGANISATION'. To help support us financially, the easiest way is to click the donate button below. You can also donate through mail. Checks should be mailed to our Administrative Office. The address can be found at the bottom of this page. Always remember, support to your home church is your primary responsibility followed by support to other religious organizations.

We understand that times are hard for many people all across the world. If you are unable to help financially, there are other ways you can support our ministry. The first thing you can do for our ministry is to place us on your daily prayer list. Prayer is very powerful and God does hear and honor the prayer requests from His children. By volunteering to work in one of our ministries, your time, your talents and your treasure all come together to accomplish great things. A third way to support us, is to send second-hand clothes to our office address. After hving checked the clothes, we will give them straight further to people in need.


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